Security Group

Security Group controls inbound and outbound traffic for Server Instance.
You can create Security Group and Security Group Rule by following steps.

Create Security Group

You can create a Security Group from the following API calls. See Security Group for more information on the API.
$ curl -sS \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {TOKEN}" \
    -X POST -d @security_group.json {api_endpoint}/v2.0/security-groups
  • Sample Request Body (security_group.json)
  "security_group": {
    "description": "Example security group 1 description.",
    "name": "Example security group 1",
    "tags": {},
    "tenant_id": "6c0bdafab1914ab2b2b6c415477defc7"
  • Sample Response Body
  "security_group": {
    "description": "Example security group 1 description.",
    "id": "21b9fd0d-38c7-472d-9912-ae1079866a3a",
    "name": "Example security group 1",
    "security_group_rules": [],
    "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
    "tags": {},
    "tenant_id": "6c0bdafab1914ab2b2b6c415477defc7"

The id parameter in Response is the uuid of Security Group and is used as the security_group_id parameter in Create Security Group Rule and Apply Security Group to Port.

Create Security Group Rule

You can create a Security Group Rule from the following API calls. See Security Group Rule for more information on the API.
$ curl -sS \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {TOKEN}" \
    -X POST -d @security_group_rule.json {api_endpoint}/v2.0/security-group-rules
  • Sample Request Body (security_group_rule.json)
  "security_group_rule": {
    "description": "Example security group rule 1 description.",
    "direction": "ingress",
    "ethertype": "IPv4",
    "port_range_max": 65535,
    "port_range_min": 0,
    "protocol": "any",
    "remote_ip_prefix": "",
    "security_group_id": "21b9fd0d-38c7-472d-9912-ae1079866a3a",
    "tenant_id": "6c0bdafab1914ab2b2b6c415477defc7"
  • Sample Response Body
  "security_group_rule": {
    "description": "Example security group rule 1 description.",
    "direction": "ingress",
    "ethertype": "IPv4",
    "id": "ea9a61c9-1e47-42f5-81b2-35ab4b2ce461",
    "port_range_max": 65535,
    "port_range_min": 0,
    "protocol": "any",
    "remote_group_id": null,
    "remote_ip_prefix": "",
    "security_group_id": "21b9fd0d-38c7-472d-9912-ae1079866a3a",
    "tenant_id": "6c0bdafab1914ab2b2b6c415477defc7"

Show Security Group

You can show details for a Security Group from the following API calls. See Security Group for more information on the API.
$ curl -sS \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {TOKEN}" \
    -X GET {api_endpoint}/v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}
  • Sample Response Body
 "security_group": {
   "description": "Example security group 1 description.",
   "id": "21b9fd0d-38c7-472d-9912-ae1079866a3a",
   "name": "Example security group 1",
   "security_group_rules": [
       "description": "Example security group rule 1 description.",
       "direction": "ingress",
       "ethertype": "IPv4",
       "id": "ea9a61c9-1e47-42f5-81b2-35ab4b2ce461",
       "port_range_max": 65535,
       "port_range_min": 0,
       "protocol": "any",
       "remote_group_id": null,
       "remote_ip_prefix": "",
       "security_group_id": "21b9fd0d-38c7-472d-9912-ae1079866a3a",
       "tenant_id": "6c0bdafab1914ab2b2b6c415477defc7"
   "status": "ACTIVE",
   "tags": {},
   "tenant_id": "6c0bdafab1914ab2b2b6c415477defc7"

Apply Security Group to Port

You can apply Security Group to Port from the following API calls (Update Port). See Port for more information on the API.
$ curl -sS \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {TOKEN}" \
    -X PUT -d @update_port.json {api_endpoint}/v2.0//ports/{port_id}
  • Sample Request Body (update_port.json)
  "port": {
    "security_groups": [
  • Sample Response Body
    "port": {
    "admin_state_up": true,
    "allowed_address_pairs": [],
    "description": "Example port 1 description.",
    "device_id": "0a93a32e-4137-4689-bcc7-0da8ee7fa74d",
    "device_owner": "compute:zone1-groupa",
    "fixed_ips": [
        "ip_address": "",
        "subnet_id": "2e0a6111-7a8a-44e2-a60a-6c5aaa0225f6"
    "id": "feed7fde-df0d-4bd8-a951-a93f4bf2cc5a",
    "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:37:83:e6",
    "name": "Example port 1",
    "network_id": "0389b606-bef6-48b5-9a04-802ff0a80bc9",
    "security_groups": [
    "segmentation_id": 0,
    "segmentation_type": "flat",
    "status": "PENDING_UPDATE",
    "tags": {},
    "tenant_id": "6c0bdafab1914ab2b2b6c415477defc7"