3.1. Alarm


The information of alarms are included.

Data Type

parameter description datatype
alarm_actions The actions to do when alarm state change to alarm List
alarm_id The UUID of the alarm id String(UUID)
deleted Whether this alarm is deleted or not Boolean
description The description of the alarm String
enabled Whether this alarm is enabled or not Boolean
insufficient_data_actions Non-use List
name The name for the alarm String
ok_actions The actions to do when alarm state change to ok List
project_id The ID of the tenant that owns the alarm String
repeat_actions The actions should be re-triggered on each evaluation cycle Boolean
resource_name The resource name which this alarm is assigned to String
severity The severity of the alarm. You can specify 'low', 'moderate', or 'critical'. String
state The state offset the alarm. You can specify 'ok' or 'alarm'. String
state_timestamp The date of the last alarm state changed Datetime
threshold_rule Describe when to trigger the alarm based on computed statistics AlarmThresholdRule
time_constraints Non-use List
timestamp The date of the last alarm definition update Datetime
type Type specifier to select which rule to follow. You can specify 'threshold' only. String
user_id The ID of the user who created the alarm String(UUID)

Data Sample

        "alarm_id": "638c3bfe-9435-45f5-9fbb-9d6d380c17ba",
        "project_id": "26574d10673044dbb03ffc8facc7ab7a",
        "user_id": "a9de93f5a7604707a2870d8b95f74eda",
        "name": "alarm-test",
        "description": "alarm-test-description",
        "enabled": true,
        "state": "ok",
        "repeat_actions": false,
        "severity": "moderate",
        "time_constraints": [],
        "alarm_actions": ["http://example.com"],
        "ok_actions": ["http://example.com"],
        "insufficient_data_actions": [],
        "type": "threshold",
        "threshold_rule": {
            "meter_name": "nova.hv.status.bool",
            "period": 300,
            "query": [{
                "field": "resource_id",
                "op": "eq",
                "type": "string",
                "value": "nova_5dd5bfe5-aee8-4663-86e4-e76d032d318e"
            "exclude_outliers": false,
            "evaluation_periods": 1,
            "evaluation_type": "0",
            "comparison_operator": "gt",
            "statistic": "max",
            "threshold": 1
        "timestamp": "2015-11-23T04:35:08+00:00",
        "state_timestamp": "2015-11-20T07:05:10+00:00",
        "resource_name": "test-vm",
        "deleted": false