3.1. Alarm¶
The information of alarms are included.
Data Type¶
parameter | description | datatype |
alarm_actions | The actions to do when alarm state change to alarm | List |
alarm_id | The UUID of the alarm id | String(UUID) |
deleted | Whether this alarm is deleted or not | Boolean |
description | The description of the alarm | String |
enabled | Whether this alarm is enabled or not | Boolean |
insufficient_data_actions | Non-use | List |
name | The name for the alarm | String |
ok_actions | The actions to do when alarm state change to ok | List |
project_id | The ID of the tenant that owns the alarm | String |
repeat_actions | The actions should be re-triggered on each evaluation cycle | Boolean |
resource_name | The resource name which this alarm is assigned to | String |
severity | The severity of the alarm. You can specify 'low', 'moderate', or 'critical'. | String |
state | The state offset the alarm. You can specify 'ok' or 'alarm'. | String |
state_timestamp | The date of the last alarm state changed | Datetime |
threshold_rule | Describe when to trigger the alarm based on computed statistics | AlarmThresholdRule |
time_constraints | Non-use | List |
timestamp | The date of the last alarm definition update | Datetime |
type | Type specifier to select which rule to follow. You can specify 'threshold' only. | String |
user_id | The ID of the user who created the alarm | String(UUID) |
Data Sample¶
"alarm_id": "638c3bfe-9435-45f5-9fbb-9d6d380c17ba",
"project_id": "26574d10673044dbb03ffc8facc7ab7a",
"user_id": "a9de93f5a7604707a2870d8b95f74eda",
"name": "alarm-test",
"description": "alarm-test-description",
"enabled": true,
"state": "ok",
"repeat_actions": false,
"severity": "moderate",
"time_constraints": [],
"alarm_actions": ["http://example.com"],
"ok_actions": ["http://example.com"],
"insufficient_data_actions": [],
"type": "threshold",
"threshold_rule": {
"meter_name": "nova.hv.status.bool",
"period": 300,
"query": [{
"field": "resource_id",
"op": "eq",
"type": "string",
"value": "nova_5dd5bfe5-aee8-4663-86e4-e76d032d318e"
"exclude_outliers": false,
"evaluation_periods": 1,
"evaluation_type": "0",
"comparison_operator": "gt",
"statistic": "max",
"threshold": 1
"timestamp": "2015-11-23T04:35:08+00:00",
"state_timestamp": "2015-11-20T07:05:10+00:00",
"resource_name": "test-vm",
"deleted": false