FIC-Connection Port (同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続) - Flexible InterConnect API リファレンス (2.0.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
本APIでは、Flexible InterConnectが提供するリソースの参照・操作が可能です。
Port to Portコネクションの購入・参照・変更・廃止等の操作に関するAPIドキュメントです。
List Port to Port Connections(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
Port to Portコネクション(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)情報の一覧を取得します。
query Parameters
id | string <uuid> ^F[0-9]{12}$ Example: id=F031900000001 コネクションID |
name | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Example: name=YourConnectionName コネクション名 半角英数及び一部記号&()-_ 64文字 |
tenantId | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: tenantId=db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e テナントID 半角英数32文字 |
area | string Enum: "JPEAST" "JPWEST" Example: area=JPEAST エリア名 ‘JPEAST’または’JPWEST’ |
interTenant | boolean Example: interTenant=true テナント間接続フラグ ’true’(テナント間接続)または‘false’(同一テナント内接続) |
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
OK 成功しました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Response samples
- 200
{- "connections": [
- {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Completed",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 213
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "publicServiceId": null,
- "publicServiceName": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 214
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false
Create Port to Port Connection(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
Request Body schema: application/json
connection required | object |
Accepted 要求は受け付けられました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Request samples
- Payload
{- "connection": {
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "primary": {
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113
}, - "secondary": {
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 213
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "primary": {
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114
}, - "secondary": {
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 214
Response samples
- 202
{- "connection": {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Processing",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 213
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 214
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false,
- "operationId": "389aa5c9bc324460a62405f6e0d5c243"
Show Port to Port Connection(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
指定したPort to Portコネクション(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)の詳細情報を取得します。
path Parameters
id required | string 対象コネクションID |
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
OK 成功しました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Forbidden 未検出エラー
Not Found 競合エラー
Response samples
- 200
{- "connection": {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Processing",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 213
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "publicServiceId": null,
- "publicServiceName": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 214
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false
Update Port to Port Connection(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
指定したPort to Portコネクション(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)を変更します。各種変更操作は同時実行できます。
path Parameters
id required | string 対象コネクションID |
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
Request Body schema: application/json
connection required | object |
Accepted 要求は受け付けられました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Not Found 未検出エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Request samples
- Payload
{- "connection": {
- "name": "YourConnectionNameUpdate"
Response samples
- 202
{- "connection": {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionNameUpdate",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Processing",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 213
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 214
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false,
- "operationId": "389aa5c9bc324460a62405f6e0d5c243"
Delete Port to Port Connection(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
指定したPort to Portコネクション(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)を廃止します。
path Parameters
id required | string 対象コネクションID |
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
Accepted 要求は受け付けられました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Not Found 未検出エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Response samples
- 202
{- "connection": {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Processing",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 213
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "aaaaae40743f460685040c46167cf19e",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 214
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false,
- "operationId": "389aa5c9bc324460a62405f6e0d5c243"
List Router to Port Connections(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
Router to Portコネクション(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)情報の一覧を取得します。
query Parameters
id | string <uuid> ^F[0-9]{12}$ Example: id=F031900000001 コネクションID |
name | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Example: name=YourConnectionName コネクション名 半角英数及び一部記号&()-_ 64文字 |
tenantId | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: tenantId=db8b0e40743f460685040c46167cf19e テナントID 半角英数32文字 |
area | string Enum: "JPEAST" "JPWEST" Example: area=JPEAST エリア名 ‘JPEAST’または’JPWEST’ |
interTenant | boolean Example: interTenant=true テナント間接続フラグ ’true’(テナント間接続)または‘false’(同一テナント内接続) |
resourceGroup | string Example: resourceGroup=UR01-jpeast01 故障やメンテナンスにて影響を受ける範囲毎に割り当てられたグループ |
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
OK 成功しました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Response samples
- 200
{- "connections": [
- {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Completed",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "routerId": "F020123456789",
- "groupName": "group_1",
- "routeFilter": {
- "in": "fullRoute",
- "prefixInType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListIn": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixIn": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
], - "out": "fullRouteWithDefaultRoute",
- "prefixOutType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListOut": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixOut": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - "primary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 10
}, - "secondary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 20
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "publicServiceId": null,
- "publicServiceName": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false,
- "resourceGroup": {
- "source": "UR01-jpeast01",
- "destination": null
Create Router to Port Connection(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
Request Body schema: application/json
connection required | object |
Accepted 要求は受け付けられました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Request samples
- Payload
{- "connection": {
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "routerId": "F020123456789",
- "groupName": "group_1",
- "routeFilter": {
- "in": "fullRoute",
- "prefixInType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListIn": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixIn": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
], - "out": "fullRouteWithDefaultRoute",
- "prefixOutType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListOut": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixOut": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - "primary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 10
}, - "secondary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 20
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "primary": {
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "secondary": {
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
Response samples
- 202
{- "connection": {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Processing",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "routerId": "F020123456789",
- "groupName": "group_1",
- "routeFilter": {
- "in": "fullRoute",
- "prefixInType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListIn": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixIn": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
], - "out": "fullRouteWithDefaultRoute",
- "prefixOutType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListOut": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixOut": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - "primary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 10
}, - "secondary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 20
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "publicServiceId": null,
- "publicServiceName": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false,
- "resourceGroup": {
- "source": null,
- "destination": null
}, - "operationId": "8d49e2ab41a54598aec02c0f198ab0e3"
Show Router to Port Connection(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
指定したRouter to Portコネクション(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)の詳細情報を取得します。
path Parameters
id required | string 対象コネクションID |
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
OK 成功しました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Not Found 未検出エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Response samples
- 200
{- "connection": {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Processing",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "routerId": "F020123456789",
- "groupName": "group_1",
- "routeFilter": {
- "in": "fullRoute",
- "prefixInType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListIn": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixIn": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
], - "out": "fullRouteWithDefaultRoute",
- "prefixOutType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListOut": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixOut": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - "primary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 10
}, - "secondary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 20
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "publicServiceId": null,
- "publicServiceName": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false,
- "resourceGroup": {
- "source": "UR01-jpeast01",
- "destination": null
Update Router to Port Connection(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
指定したRouter to Portコネクション(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)を変更します。各種変更操作は同時実行できます。
path Parameters
id required | string 対象コネクションID |
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
Request Body schema: application/json
connection required | object |
Accepted 要求は受け付けられました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Not Found 未検出エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Request samples
- Payload
{- "connection": {
- "name": "YourConnectionNameUpdate"
Response samples
- 202
{- "connection": {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionNameUpdate",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Processing",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "routerId": "F020123456789",
- "groupName": "group_1",
- "routeFilter": {
- "in": "fullRoute",
- "prefixInType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListIn": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixIn": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
], - "out": "fullRouteWithDefaultRoute",
- "prefixOutType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListOut": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixOut": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - "primary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 10
}, - "secondary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 20
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "publicServiceId": null,
- "publicServiceName": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false,
- "resourceGroup": {
- "source": "UR01-jpeast01",
- "destination": null
}, - "operationId": "8d49e2ab41a54598aec02c0f198ab0e3"
Delete Router to Port Connection(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)
指定したRouter to Portコネクション(同一テナント内接続/テナント間接続)を廃止します。
path Parameters
id required | string 対象コネクションID |
header Parameters
Content-Type required | string Value: "application/json" |
X-Auth-Token required | string ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ Example: dc03494823a841338430052e9ee95e07 クライアントが Keystone を利用して取得した認証 Token |
Accepted 要求は受け付けられました
Bad Request リクエストが不正
Unauthorized 認証エラー
Not Found 未検出エラー
Conflict 競合エラー
Response samples
- 202
{- "connection": {
- "id": "F030123456789",
- "name": "YourConnectionName",
- "redundant": true,
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "area": "JPEAST",
- "operationStatus": "Processing",
- "bandwidth": "100M",
- "source": {
- "tenantId": "06a90740d6764465896091b1f0676048",
- "routerId": "F020123456789",
- "groupName": "group_1",
- "routeFilter": {
- "in": "fullRoute",
- "prefixInType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListIn": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixIn": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
], - "out": "fullRouteWithDefaultRoute",
- "prefixOutType": "permit",
- "maxBgpPrefixListOut": 10,
- "customRoutePrefixOut": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "orlonger"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - {
- "address": "",
- "filterType": "exact"
}, - "primary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 10
}, - "secondary": {
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asPathPrepend": {
- "in": null,
- "out": null
}, - "med": {
- "out": 20
}, - "destination": {
- "publicServiceKey": null,
- "publicServiceId": null,
- "publicServiceName": null,
- "primary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F010123456789",
- "vlan": 113,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "secondary": {
- "tenantId": "e23db5208b27490e8942ce0c0278d56f",
- "portId": "F019876543210",
- "vlan": 114,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "asn": "65000"
}, - "interTenant": false,
- "toPublicService": false,
- "resourceGroup": {
- "source": "UR01-jpeast01",
- "destination": null
}, - "operationId": "8d49e2ab41a54598aec02c0f198ab0e3"