
${...} は変数です。以下に値の例を記載します。
  • event: ipv4-ping-ok, ipv6-ping-ng, ipv4-bgp-up, ipv6-bgp-down, など
  • tenantId: 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
  • resourceId: ox0123456789
  • datetime: 2021-01-25 21:25:49 (JST)
送信元: NTT Communications <no-reply@ocnx.ntt.com>
宛先: ${recipient}

件名: Super OCN Flexible Connect - Health Status Notification (${resourceId}, ${event})

(English follows Japanese)

NTT コミュニケーションズの Super OCN Flexible Connect をご利用頂き、

    - ご利用サービス: Super OCN Flexible Connect
    - リソース種別: Routing
    - 検出イベント: ${event}
    - テナント ID: ${tenantId}
    - リソース ID: ${resourceId}
    - 検出日時: ${datetime}

Super OCN Flexible Connect Consoleのモニタリング画面にてご確認ください。
    - NTTコミュニケーションズビジネスポータル: <<https://b-portal.ntt.com/>>

その他の各種ご利用方法につきましては SDPF Knowledge Center をご参照ください。
    - SDPF Knowledge Center: <<https://sdpf.ntt.com/services/ocnx/>>

なお、ステータス変化のメールは Super OCN Flexible Connect および
    - SDPF サービスステータス: <<https://sdpf.ntt.com/service-status/>>



Thank you for using Super OCN Flexible Connect by NTT Communications.
A health status event is detected as below.

    - Service: Super OCN Flexible Connect
    - Resource type: Routing
    - Event: ${event}
    - Tenant ID: ${tenantId}
    - Resource ID: ${resourceId}
    - Time detected: ${datetime}

To check the latest status, please visit our NTT Communications Business Portal and navigate to the Super OCN Flexible Connect Console.
    - NTT Communications Business Portal: <<https://b-portal.ntt.com>>

For the information such as service details and tutorials, please refer to SDPF Knowledge Center.
    - SDPF Knowledge Center: <<https://sdpf.ntt.com/services/ocnx/>>

Troubleshooting advice: This health status depends not only on this service itself, but also intermediate services and customer network.
If needed, please check the status of other SDPF services.
    - SDPF service status: <<https://sdpf.ntt.com/service-status/>>

* Please do not reply to this email. We are unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address.