

This data type are included API response as below.
  • create tenant_connection
  • list tenant_connection
  • show tenant_connection
  • update tenant_connection
  • delete tenant_connection


Parameter Description DATATYPE
tenant_connections   Array
tenant_connection   Object
tenant_connection_id tenant_connection unique ID. String(UUID)
tenant_connection_request_id Name of tenant_connection_request. String(UUID)
name Name of tenant_connection. String()
description Description of tenant_connection. String()
tags Tags of tenant_connection. Object
tenant_id Tenant ID of the owner. String(UUID)
name_other Name for the owner of network. String()
description_other Description for the owner of network. String()
tags_other Tags for the owner of network. Object
tenant_id_other The owner tenant of network. String(UUID)
network_id Network unique id. String(UUID)
device_type device type String(ECL::Compute::Server, ECL::Baremetal::Server, ECL::VirtualNetworkAppliance::VSRX)
device_id device unique id. String(UUID)
device_interface_id physical port unique ID. String(UUID)
attachment_opts   Object
segmentation_type segmentation type used for port. Required if ECL::Baremetal::Server is selected with device_type. String(flat, vlan)
segmentation_id segmentation id used for port. Required if ECL::Baremetal::Server is selected with device_type. Int()
fixed_ips IP address attached to port. Array
allowed_address_pairs Allowd Address Pairs. Array
port_id Port unique id. String(UUID)
status Status of tenant_connection. String(CREATING, DELETING, ACTIVE, DOWN, DISCONNECTED, INCONSISTENT)