tenantID or projectID



style description
tenantID or projectID
Normal value:
- 1-64 pieces of alphabet
- Upper case and lower case), underscore, and numbers. (usually of 32-digit hexadecimal number.)
- limited to the existing tenant ID.
Incorrect value:
- Does not match any of the existing tenant ID.
- Printable characters other than the above. *1 (Sign, blank, etc.)
- Multibyte character.
- Undisplayable character. *2
- Empty string.
- 65 characters or more.
tenantID(2) or projectID(2)
Normal value: except the hyphen("-") from UUID(2)
Incorrect value: Other than normal value
Normal value: except for the underscore("_") from the tenant ID
Incorrect value:
- Does not match any of the existing tenant ID.
- Printable characters other than the above. *1 (Sign, blank, etc.)
- Multibyte character.
- Undisplayable character. *2
- underscore.
- Empty string.
- 65 characters or more.