4. Revision History

Revision History
Date Version Detail
2023/08/31 2.0.0 Add the Nova/Cinder API for OpenStack new version (JP7).
2022/08/31 1.1.8 Add DataType, request/response sample and Execution Example of server metadata. Fix flavorRef in Create Server API page.
2022/07/25 1.1.7 Fix keystone token length.
2019/07/04 1.1.6 Fix some typo.
2019/05/30 1.1.5 Polish up some documents by fix some typo, fill some blank and delete some sentense.
2017/06/27 1.1.4 Correction of "synchronous / asynchronous" in "Extend volume size API". And error correction.
2017/05/08 1.1.3 Delete request parameter "personality" since it is not supported.
2017/01/20 1.1.2 Delete request parameter "source_volid" since it is not supported.
2016/12/02 1.1.1 Correction of sample request body "new_size" value in "Extend volume size API".
2016/07/27 1.1.0 Add the volume flavor extension API. And notation unification.
2016/03/25 1.0.1 Delete security group API since we are not supported. And error correction.
2016/03/01 1.0.0 First edition