Create interface


Attach created network port to VM instance.


  • Create

API Operation Object

  • os-interface

Synchronous / Asynchronous

  • synchronous


HTTP Request Method

  • POST

HTTP Request Path


HTTP Request Header


Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress (optional)
Accept: application/json
X-Auth-Token: <token_id>
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Request Body


* The request body can be specified in four patterns.


    "interfaceAttachment": {
        "port_id": "<port_id>"


    "interfaceAttachment": {
        "net_id": "<net_id>"


    "interfaceAttachment": {
        "net_id": "<net_id>",
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "<IP_address>"


    "interfaceAttachment": {}

Request Parameter

Request Parameters
name style format description required/optional default value action for invalid parameter response code for invalid parameter
project_id URL UUID(3) Project id required - Terminate 400, 404
server_id URL UUID instance id required - Terminate 404
token_id Header String(token_id) Keystone authentication token. required - Terminate 401
port_id URL UUID Port id of add interface to the VM instance. optional* - Terminate 400, 500
net_id URL UUID Network id of add interface to the VM instance. optional - Terminate 400, 500
ip_address URL IPv4 address/IPv6 address IP address of add interface to the VM instance. optional - Terminate 400, 500
fixed_ips URL String Fixed IP addresses with subnet IDs. optional - Terminate 400, 500
  • * If the network is two or more can be used, specify required.


HTTP Response Header


HTTP/1.1 <response_code> <message>       (ex. 200 Accepted)
  • <response_code>: see "HTTP Responses" section

  • <message>: message based on the response code

    • skip auto insert field such as "X-Compute-Request-Id" and "Content-Length", "Date"

Response Code

Response Codes
response code condition
200 normal end
400 net_id and port_id are both entry in body
- port is in-use
- already associated with a port on the specified network
- network to be used is multiple detection (neutron settings "allow_duplicate_networks" = False case only)
401 unauthorized
403 not authorized to perform the requested action
409 specified instance has been locked
- instance status is invalid(status isn't ACTIVE,PAUSED,STOPPED)
500 failed to attach interface
- specified port is not found
- specified network is not found
501 network driver does not support this function

HTTP Response Body


    "interfaceAttachment": {
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "<ip_address>",
                "subnet_id": "<subnet_id>"
        "mac_addr": "<mac_address>",
        "net_id": "<net_id>",
        "port_id": "<port_id>",
        "port_state": "<port_status>"

Response Parameter

Response Parameters
item format description
ip_address IPv4 address IP address of Subnet associated with the attached port
subnet_id UUID Subnet associated with the attached port
mac_addr MAC address MAC address of the attached port
net_id UUID Network Id of the attached port
port_id UUID Id of the attached port
port_state String Status of the attached port

Sample API Request and Response

Sample API Request

Request URI{project_id}/servers/{server_id}/os-interface

Request Header

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress (optional)
Accept: application/json
X-Auth-Token: ajk3adjiown02
Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

    "interfaceAttachment": {
        "port_id": "<port_id>"

Sample API Response

Response Header

HTTP/1.1 200 Accepted
  • <response_code>: see "HTTP Responses" section

  • <message>: message based on the response code

    • skip auto insert field such as "X-Compute-Request-Id" and "Content-Length", "Date"

Response Body

    "interfaceAttachment": {
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "<ip_address>",
                "subnet_id": "<subnet_id>"
        "mac_addr": "<mac_address>",
        "net_id": "<net_id>",
        "port_id": "<port_id>",
        "port_state": "<port_status>"

Execution Example

HTTP Request

POST /v2/e4ee5a9bdf934e35b62c8b995152feee/servers/b6d94eb6-0759-4277-892e-fae5fd8ca8bd/os-interface HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
Host: localhost:8774
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-Auth-Token: 802103f4cdcb4398965d2a1976b47325
Content-Length: 78

{ "interfaceAttachment": { "port_id": "c20c7086-eb16-4b3b-96e4-4da2f5037bcf"}}

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 279
X-Compute-Request-Id: req-d85b685d-5147-4294-a77e-4796cc16f37b
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 08:22:14 GMT

{ "interfaceAttachment": {"port_state": "DOWN", "fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": "3b6e6d1f-848b-489f-ac16-69801915c65d", "ip_address": ""}], "port_id": "c20c7086-eb16-4b3b-96e4-4da2f5037bcf", "net_id": "e7372598-ff0f-4013-84b5-82b0e3641f7a", "mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:b9:1b:1b"}}

Error Execution Example

HTTP Request

POST /v2/ad355aa6ed3e4cf5ae0fa0df652bc290/servers/aef82e69-0b3e-4056-b1b6-c37d5a278183/os-interface HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
X-Auth-Token: 247558b04ebb4114baefa1f22fa180ed
Content-type: application/json
Accept: application/json

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 188
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
X-Compute-Request-Id: req-555fd7da-8d2c-4616-bc99-77b60c4b7ba1
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 06:23:57 GMT

{"badRequest": {"message": "Malformed request URL: URL's project_id 'ad355aa6ed3e4cf5ae0fa0df652bc290' doesn't match Context's project_id 'ad355aa6ed3e4cf5ae0fa0df652bc291'", "code": 400}}