Get Port Management Status


Since the port management APIs (described in previous Port Management for Single Constitution FW/UTM , Port Management for HA Constitution FW/UTM or Port Management for WAF) are asynchronous, this API can be executed to check status of the APIs.

Synchronous / Asynchronous

  • Asynchronous


HTTP Request Method

  • GET

HTTP Request Path


HTTP Request Header

X-Auth-Token: <token_id>

Request Parameter

Request Parameters
Parameter Type Format Description Required
tenantid String UUID Tenant ID of the owner (UUID) Yes
usertoken String UUID User Token (UUID) Yes

Request Body Parameter

This API does not require Request Body


HTTP Response Code

Response Codes
Response Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
500 Internal Server Error

Response Parameter


Response Parameters
  Parameter Type Format Description
  id Integer Numeric Process ID of the execution
  lastExecNumber Integer Numeric Process Number of the execution
  name String - Process Name of the execution
  submissionType String - Process Submission type
  id Integer Numeric Process Submission Type
  name String - Service Name of the execution
  serviceReference String - Service reference of the execution
  comment String - Comments for the process status.If the status is FAIL, please check.
  duration Integer Numeric The duration
  endingDate Integer Numeric The process stop time
  execNumber Integer Numeric Process Number of the execution
  processInstanceId Integer Numeric Process ID of the execution
  processName String - Service Name of the execution
  startingDate String - The process start time
  status String - Process status of the execution. Possible states is ENDED, FAIL, RUNNING
  taskStatusList arryay - List of Task Status
  comment String - Comments for the task status.If the status is FAIL, please check.
  endingDate String Date The task stop time
  execNumber String Date Process Number of the execution
  newParameters - - -
  processInstanceId Integer Numeric Process ID of the execution
  startingDate String Date The task start time
  status String Date Task status of the execution. Possible States is ENDED, FAIL, RUNNING, NONE
  taskId Integer Numeric Task ID of the execution
  taskName String - Task name of the execution

Sample Response Body

Normal Response

       "processInstance": {
               "processId": {
                       "id": 3243,
                       "lastExecNumber": 1,
                       "name": "ntt/FortiVA_HA_Port_Management/Process_Manage_UTM_Interfaces/Process_Manage_UTM_Interfaces",
                       "submissionType": "RUN"
               "serviceId": {
                       "id": 1216,
                       "name": "FortiVA_HA_Port_Management",
                       "serviceReference": "PORT_MNGT_ECL1523_ECL1524",
                       "state": null
               "status": {
                       "comment": "",
                       "duration": 0,
                       "endingDate": null,
                       "execNumber": 1,
                       "processInstanceId": 3243,
                       "processName": "ntt/FortiVA_HA_Port_Management/Process_Manage_UTM_Interfaces/Process_Manage_UTM_Interfaces",
                       "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:13.0",
                       "status": "RUNNING",
                       "taskStatusList": [{
                               "comment": "Context set for the First Unit :\nOPENSTACK SETUP : lab3ec_zone1_groupc",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:13.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:13.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 1,
                               "taskName": "Set Context for First UTM"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "IP Address inputs verified successfully.",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:18.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:13.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 2,
                               "taskName": "Verify IP Address Inputs"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "VRRP and MTU inputs verified successfully.",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:19.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:18.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 3,
                               "taskName": "Verify VRRP, MTU Inputs"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Import Ports successful",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:20.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:19.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 4,
                               "taskName": "Import Ports"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Ping Monitoring stopped for the HA devices.",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:04:33.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:01:20.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 5,
                               "taskName": "Stop Ping Monitoring"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Openstack Server ff4e2250-517c-4c66-ae23-2cbf4bc3b6ce stopped successfully.\nServer Status : SHUTOFF\nTask State : -\nPower State : Shutdown\n",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:04:47.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:04:33.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 6,
                               "taskName": "Stop the UTM"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "IP Address is now unreachable from MSA.\nPING Status : Destination Host Unreachable\n",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:04:56.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:04:47.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 7,
                               "taskName": "Wait for UTM Ping unreachability from MSA"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Ports deleted successfully.",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:06:14.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:04:56.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 8,
                               "taskName": "Delete Ports"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Ports created successfully.\nPort Id : a59d8f31-0072-4d32-9aec-caf905330a07\nPort Id : a6d7fc12-f0f7-45dd-95b5-3d4401f4b471\nPort Id : b82cdb56-67cb-4a1f-8483-aff6d07a72c4\nPort Id : 567aa632-273d-4115-8490-05db1cec23c3\nPort Id : 7ec45e45-99e9-499b-afef-6ff68bf5213c\nPort Id : 5c08e05e-a949-47e0-90c6-9d2d2356f81f\nPort Id : a492232e-bb16-473c-a001-b1d1ae4e4a1f\n",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:07:55.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:06:14.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 9,
                               "taskName": "Create Ports"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Ports attached successfully to the Server ff4e2250-517c-4c66-ae23-2cbf4bc3b6ce.",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:09:43.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:07:55.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 10,
                               "taskName": "Attach Ports"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Context set for the Second Unit :\nOPENSTACK SETUP : lab3ec_zone1_groupc",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:09:43.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:09:43.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 11,
                               "taskName": "Set Context for Second UTM"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Openstack Server 70072dbc-34b0-44ea-aa45-c1e4c6ac0250 stopped successfully.\nServer Status : SHUTOFF\nTask State : -\nPower State : Shutdown\n",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:09:57.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:09:43.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 12,
                               "taskName": "Stop the UTM"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "IP Address is now unreachable from MSA.\nPING Status : Destination Host Unreachable\n",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:10:07.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:09:57.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 13,
                               "taskName": "Wait for UTM Ping unreachability from MSA"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Ports deleted successfully.",
                               "endingDate": "2018-10-25 02:11:26.0",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:10:07.0",
                               "status": "ENDED",
                               "taskId": 14,
                               "taskName": "Delete Ports"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "Creating the Ports:\nPort4 created successfully.\nPort Status : DOWN\nPort4 Allowed IP Address pairs [, 00:00:5e:00:01:15] updated successfully.\nPort Status : DOWN\nPort5 created successfully.\nPort Status : DOWN\nPort6 created successfully.\nPort Status : DOWN\n",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "2018-10-25 02:11:26.0",
                               "status": "RUNNING",
                               "taskId": 15,
                               "taskName": "Create Ports"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 16,
                               "taskName": "Attach Ports"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 17,
                               "taskName": "Set Context for First UTM"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 18,
                               "taskName": "Start the UTM"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 19,
                               "taskName": "Wait for UTM Ping reachability from MSA"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 20,
                               "taskName": "Update UTM Interfaces"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 21,
                               "taskName": "Update UTM Proxy ARP"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 22,
                               "taskName": "Device Backup"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 23,
                               "taskName": "Set Context for Second UTM"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 24,
                               "taskName": "Start the UTM"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 25,
                               "taskName": "Wait for UTM Ping reachability from MSA"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 26,
                               "taskName": "Update UTM Interfaces"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 27,
                               "taskName": "Update UTM Proxy ARP"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 28,
                               "taskName": "Device Backup"
                       }, {
                               "comment": "",
                               "endingDate": "",
                               "execNumber": 1,
                               "newParameters": {},
                               "processInstanceId": 3243,
                               "startingDate": "",
                               "status": "NONE",
                               "taskId": 29,
                               "taskName": "Start Ping Monitoring"

Error Response

    "error": {
         "message": "error message"